(Written by Marett, V)
- Contents: ee words, ch at the beginning, ch at the end, c that says s, g that says j, dge that says j, tch that says ch, ai that says the long a as in rain, ay that says the long a as in play, oi as in coin, oy as in boy, ey that says ee as in monkey; ey that says a as in grey, oo that says oo as in roster, more oo that says oo as in roster, oo that says the short oo as in book, ea that says the long e as in eat, more ea that says the long e as in eat, ea that says the short e as in bread; ea that says the long a as in steak, or as in store, more or as in tractor, oar, oor, our that says or, er as in father, more er as in fern, Revision, ir says er as in bird, ir says er as in work and ear that says er as in earth, ur says er as in burglar, more ur says er as in turkey, Revision, ere as in there; eir as in heir and are as in mare, are as in share; air as in pair,
- Changing tenses where the words change,
- More changing tenses where the words change,
- Revision,
- Quick Spelling Test,
- Dictation,
- Answers.