(Written by Howard, P)
- Explanations of grammar, punctuation, usage, sentence structure and terminology that secondary students need followed by drills or testing exercises. Includes vocabulary extension.
- Contents: correct usage,
- colours used in speaking or writing,
- using the right preposition,
- reported speech,
- using better adjectives,
- be concise,
- which meaning is correct,
- foreign words or expressions,
- use the correct number of the verb,
- grammatical terminology,
- case of pronouns,
- cloze passage,
- using verbs,
- idioms,
- spelling,
- reflective pronoun,
- adjective or adverb,
- proverbs using apostrophes,
- proof-reading,
- punctuation rules,
- agreement of pronouns,
- pronouns with gerunds,
- singular or plural,
- irregular plurals,
- types of sentences,
- parallelism,
- letter writing,
- shift in time,
- shift in person,
- preposition with a relative pronoun,
- using commas correctly,
- word order to make your writing clearer,
- check the spelling,
- error in verbs,
- homophones,
- correcting wordiness,
- similes,
- metaphors and alliteration,
- hyperbolas,
- puns,
- epigrams.
- Answers included.