Homeschooling Curriculum
Grade Tests
(Written by Marett, V) Tests knowledge of Easy-learn Preschool/Kinder A and B and Easy-learn Maths 1A and 1B. Makes an ideal placement test for the end of grade 1 as instructions on where to begin are included. Can also be used as test at end of Easy Learn Maths 1B. Grade/s K-1 | 64 Pages | 180 Grams
(Written by Marett, V) This book covers the work in Successful Spelling K, 1 and Successful English 1. Makes an ideal placement test for the end of grade 1 as instructions on where to begin are included. It may also be used as test at end of Successful Spelling 1 and Successful English 1. Grade/s K-1 | 64 Pages | 180 Grams
(Written by Marett, V) This book is designed to test all the basic phonetical sounds and the child's ability to apply their knowledge when reading. It also suggests a suitable phonics or spelling book for the child. Divided into 5 tests so the child can stop if the work becomes too hard. Contains the following sounds: beginning sounds, vowels, wh, th, ng, sh, ee, ar, oa, multiple a sounds, multiple I sounds, multiple h sounds, multiple y sound, multiple o sounds, multiple e, multiple u, multiple x, two s sounds, kn, wr, ch sounds, c that says s, g that says j, ck, or, dge, tch, ie, ay, oi, oy, ei, ey, oo, multiple ea, 4 or sounds, 5 air sounds, 5 er sounds. Grade/s K-1 | 72 Pages | 210 Grams
(Written by Marett, V) A revision of Maths for Year 5. A good way to check your child's progress or as a diagnostic tool for children coming out of school to commence homeschooling. Numbers to 100,000 , Adding & Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing, Digit Division, Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers, The Four Operations (+, -, x, /), Factors, Multiples and L. C. M., Equivalent Fractions, Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers, Change Mixed Fractions to Improper Numbers, Addition of Fractions, Subtraction of Fractions, Addition of Mixed Numbers, Subtraction of Mixed Numbers, Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers, Multiplying Fractions, Graphs; Tabulating results, Angles using a protractor, Sum of angles in a right angle and a straight line, Perpendicular and parallel lines, Perimeter, Area, Area of composite figures, Area of composite figures, Area and perimeter combined, Area and perimeter combined, Multiplying Fractions by Mixed Numbers, Fraction of Quantities, Fraction Word Problems, Decimals; Tenths, Decimals; Hundredths, Fractions to Decimals, Decimals to Fractions, Converting Fractions to Decimals, Adding and Subtracting Decimals, More Add and Subtract Decimals, Word Problems; Addition & Subtraction of Decimals, Multiplication of Decimals, Word Problems; Multiplying Decimals, Division of Decimals, Word Problems - Multiplication and Division of Decimals, Averages, Nets of a Cube, Nets of a Cube, Volume, Answers. Grade/s 5 | 60 Pages | 180 Grams
This book may be used to test; revise previous work or extend
(Written by Marett, V) A revision of spelling for Years 5&6. A good way to check your child's progress or as a diagnostic tool for children coming out of school to commence homeschooling. Contents: Prefixes & Suffixes, short a sound, prefix ad-, short a sound, prefix ad-, c that says k, c that says s, k that says k, short e, long e, ea that says long e, short I, short o, long o, sh sound, th sound, short u, long u that says oo, y that say I; y that says ee, sh sound, th sound, short g sound, g that says j, qu sound, words ending el or le, suffix -able, suffix -ible, s sound words, t sound words, prefix dis-, suffix -ance, ar sound, v sound, sc sound (blend), sc sound (blend and sc says s), Rules, short a sound as in cat, au sound as in audience, ph sound as in telephone, c that says k as in cot, c that says s as in face, ch that says ch as in change, ch that says k as in chaos, ch that says sh as in chalet, short e as in feral, long e sound as in design, short i as in billion, long i sound as in abide, y that says ee, short o as in property, long o sound as in broker, qu sound as in queen, ar sound as in harness, or sound as in for, suffix -ary as in dietary, suffix -ant as in resistant, suffix -ment as in commandment, suffix -ary as in dietary, suffix -ant as in resistant, suffix -ence as in excellence, suffix -ent as in efficient, suffix -tion as in attention, suffix -sion as in decision, rh sound as in rhubarb, sy sound as in syllable, eu sound as...
This book may be used to test; revise previous work or extend
(Written by Marett, V) Use this book at the end of grade 6 or for placement of the child when commencing homeschooling. Contents: Nouns, Narrative, Singular and plural nouns, newspapers, Nominative, Objective, Possessive Case with Nouns, Comprehension, Recognising and Using Pronouns, Emphatic, Interrogative and Indefinite Pronouns, Persuasive Writing, Adjectives, Letter to the Editor, Degrees of Adjectives, Writing an Advertisement, Finite and Transitive Verbs, Dialogue, Regular and Irregular Verbs, Writing A Description, Synonyms and Antonyms, Writing Comparisons, Prepositions, Animal Pairs, Correcting Sentences, Conjunctions, Writing An Explanation, Adverbs, Writing Complex Instructions, Correcting Sentences, Subject Predicate and Object, Who, Whose or Whom, Transitive and Intransitive Verbs, Hyphens, Understanding Poetry, Comprehension, Note Taking and Expanding Notes, Phrases, Using the Internet, Reading A Map, Understanding Films, Using the Correct Word, Ambiguity, Analysing Literature, Homonyms, Word Knowledge, Proverbs Grade/s 6 | 62 Pages | 180 Grams
(Written by Marett, F) Contents: Place value, factors, Lowest Common Multiple, Rounding numbers, Division - Correct number of zeros, Multiplication by two digit numbers, Division by two digit numbers, Order of operation, Word problems, Fractions, Addition of Fractions, Subtraction of Fractions, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions, Multiplication of Fractions, Division of Fractions, Word problems involving fractions, Place value of decimals, Adding and subtracting decimals, Converting decimals to fractions, Converting fractions to decimals, Rounding decimals, Converting decimals to percentages, Converting percentages to decimals, Converting fractions to percentages, Converting fractions to percentages, Multiplication of decimals, Division of decimals, One quantity as a percentage of another, Expressing a ratio as a percentage, Percentage of a quantity, Area of a triangle, Perimeter, Area of composite figures, Ratios, Word problems involving ratios, Drawing and measuring angles, Calculating right angles, Calculating angles in a straight line, Vertically opposite angles, Triangles, Calculating angles, Equatorial and isosceles triangles, Solid figures, Nets of solid figures, Graphs, Rate of speed, Rate of speed word problems, Conversion of measurements, Drawing triangles and parallelograms, Calculating angles in a parallelogram, Volume of a cube, Volume of cuboids and rectangular prisms, Volume; capacity, Calculating length, breadth and height, Height of a liquid in a container, Algebra; finding a value, Algebraic statements, Answers. Grade/s 6 | 64 Pages | 180 Grams
This book may be used to test; revise previous work or extend
(Written by Marett, F) A revision of Maths for Year 7. A good way to check your child's progress or as a diagnostic tool for children coming out of school to commence homeschooling. Contents; Whole Numbers, Rounding Off, Order of Operation, Prime Numbers, Long Multiplication, Long Division, Fractions - Mixed Numbers and Simplifying Fractions, Four Operations of Fractions, Fraction of Units/Solving Fractions, Fraction Problems, Percentages of a Number, Fraction to a Percentage, Percentage to a Fraction, Percentages of Quantities, Percentage Increase/Decrease, Percentage Profit/Loss, Percentage Problems, Challenging Percentage Problems, Decimals, Factors and Multiples, Highest Common Factor (HCF), Index Notation, Algebraic Expressions, Simplifying Algebraic Expressions, Using Brackets in Algebra, Algebraic Substitution, Symmetry, Geometry, Triangles and Parallelograms, Ratios, Relationship between Ratios and Fractions, Relationship between Ratios and Fractions, Changing Ratios, Ratios and Proportions, Circles - Diameter and radius, Circumference, Area, Graphs - Pie Charts, Graphs - Line Charts, Volume, Average, Speed and Rate, Average Speed, Speed - Meeting Half-way, Answers. Grade/s 7 | 64 Pages | 200 Grams